Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'Second Life' or second chance in life?

Have you ever wanted to be somebody else or change something in your life? Have you ever dreamed about changing the shape of your nose so that you will look better or maybe you always wanted to lose this hateful 10 kg?

Nowadays everything is possible and without spending tones of money on plastic surgeries, our powerful technology has given us a chance to change our lives but… in virtual world, sounds crazy, right?

Personally for me it was something new to listen about almighty Internet and its virtual world known as 'Second life', thanks to Abel I became more modern and knowledgeable about social media this week.

So what is ‘Second life’? Honestly, I have never came across this online computer game before, because when I this game came out we all were playing Sims and the Internet connection that time was very lousy in Russia.

In Secod Life you create yourself in virtual world, most interestingly that you can change everything what you want starting from your appearance to your gender…

Second live encourages social interaction, because a lot of people feel themselves more comfortable to communicate with others in virtual world.

And statistic is striking!!! According to Reuters:

· more than 10 million Second Life accounts were created

· around 1.5 million residents log into virtual world every month

· more than 1 million US dollars are spent in Second Life each day

Amazing, isn't it?

This video is an example of what Second Life is; however, I have decided to look at a contradictory issue in Second Life - virtual sex.

Maybe this is another reason for some people to engage in this game, different people have different intentions.

As long as people communicate Second Life is considered as social media.

Friday, January 16, 2009


The first entry of our weekly Internet Blogging is connected to the history of the Internet; in my first entry I would like to talk about how Internet has changed over the years and how it has benefited our lives.

It is not surprising that an awful lot of time we spent trying to figure out how the Internet works and how it will change our lives in the future, but sometimes we forget just how far this revolutionary technology has taken us already.

Here, then. is a look at ways the Internet has made an impact on us on a practical level in the past decade.

Everybody can get any info if they learn how to look for it.


In pre-Interenet days, finding the answer would have involved looking through reference books, scanning a newspaper or even a making a trip to the library - all without guarantee of finding that factual nugget. Now, Google, the Internet search engine, can deliver even most obscure info to your desktop computer within a matter of second.

one can get a breaking news.
Previously, the average person had to wait until the media decides what information supplied by the wire services or their own reports they would pass on via television news or radio. Now, you have a direct access to news via the web: my favourite is or

My favorite usage of Internet is:
Cheap, near-instant communication.
To those who have grown up in the era of the @ symbol, it's easy to take electronic mail for granted, but the ability to flasf messages around the globe with documents, images or applications attached is revlolutionary.

Everyone can be a publisher.
The ability for everyone to publish their thoughts online is a tremendous change. Last time publishung used to be concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy people and organisations that could afford the expansive infrastructure to print and distribute newspapers and magazines or broadcast television


The internet has revolutionised the distribution of masic. Taking up the running now is Apple's iTunes, which sold more than 70 million songs in its first year alone. The ability to grab a tune you want, then sort, store and play them is amazing.