Thursday, February 26, 2009


Actually, I am not very familiar with the history of the cybercrimes in Singapore; therefore, I would like to talk a bit about what I know about cybercrimes in my country.

In my opinion Russia is still stuck in the Stone Age. What I mean is that not all parts of my "mighty" country are developed, in my opinion, there some places in Russia where people do not know what is Internet and that thing like this can exist. Unbelievable, ye right I know.

I am not talking about central part of Russia here, like Moscow, where people are so selfish that they do not want to think that other "Russian people" can exist except them.... So moving onto my place, somewhere in the Far East where Internet came around year 2000 people still do not know about such thing like WI-FI and high speed Internet) Sounds very sad for me but not for you.

So what I am trying to say here, is that only minority of people, the most brilliant, know not only how to use Internet, but also, how to get other people’s money with the help of the Internet. As you know from our class this week, Mr. Choy was talking about all different kinds of cybercrimes. So this is my story....

Once upon a time there lived a very smart and up-to-date guy, who was moving in one step with the booming technology. In the 98, he got his first computer and Internet access, being only 12 years old he got very interested in his new 'toy'. And he spend sooo much time with it, playing and trying to understand how all the programs work that one day he simply made a new computer from the two old ones...

As you know when you are so young you do not listen to elder people trying to do everything yourself, and in my place people are always looking for the easy ways to get money. So by that time our friend was about 14 years old, and when he came across on-line shopping some crazy idea struck his head..... "what if??" he thought.

One day he gathered two other his friends, by the way, who were very familiar with the computers, and 3 of them, started to think how to break in somebody’s computer and steal the credit card information so that the opportunity of on-line shopping will be opened before them.

Somehow, sadly, but this is another story, they stole the credit card number and the particulars of its holder (what an ass that guy should be) and went to shop on-line.

But about one week later, can you imagine the amazement of our friend’s parents when, some important person called them and informed that the newest computer and hundreds of other very expensive gadgets were bought on-line and the delivery address was their home address.

(Haha our poor genius did not expect such a turn)

Than the person informed the parents that the credit card that was used to pay the bill was stolen…. Ooooops so what does this mean?

Honestly, it is a real life example and the smart guy in my step-brother)

SO here I gave you a classical example of phishing. Where the credit card number was stolen and used for on-line shopping.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 6, Internet tools.

Today, we shall look at Internet tool and first to show you an video about Goofle Mars:

Is it amazing how fast out technology is developing? Last time we could not see our planet and nowadays, we can easily explore Mars, using Google.

AND NOW.... MY VIDEO which I have created using Windows Movie Maker:

Horray, I finally, did it. Hope you will enjoy it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 5, E-Learning

For me the idea of distant learning still sounds crazy, honestly, I cannot imagine how our traditional schools will look like in 20 years time.

1. Maybe, there won't be any buildings at all.... nothing, and ONLY ONE thing that you will need is a pair of virtual glasses....

Scary, is not it?

2. Or can you imagine, than when a child is born a very powerful, suppa-duppa chip is placed into the brain, so that you do not need to go to school at all, just upload a program to your brain....

This sounds even worse for me.

Ok, coming down to reality, in my opinion it is great about what Internet can provide us today. Distance learning, or even we are here studying almost on-line..... A huge opportunity for a personal development.
Other question, is whether people will use this opportunities?

Friday, February 6, 2009

E-commerce: Online shopping.

Online shopping is a whole new shopping experience.

E-commerce broke all the records and the 100 Billion barrier in 2006. A big part of the jump was the wildly successful Christmas shopping season. Over the 2006 holiday shopping season e-commerce sales hit $24.6 billion

The topic on this week was e-commerce, so what I want to talk about is online shopping. As you can see from the statistic shown above, online shopping is a very prosperous business.

In 1990, online shopping has spread into every corner of our, so that nowadays some people has forgotten how it is like to walk from one shop to another, or how it is like to try on different clothes. Why do you have to do this, when today in 21st century there is a new opportunity for you - online shopping.

It is addictive as online gaming or gambling; people who once tried to shop in a cyber space and had a pleasant experience cannot stop after this.

But true, why they would want to stop?

Firstly, it is very convenient; on one webpage you can find a variety on goods available to you 24/7; for example, E-bay or, if you cannot find a book in a local book shop just go to Amazon and search online.

Secondly, online shopping suits very lazy people who detest walking, when you shop using your computer and new technologies you just have to sit still wit out moving and only click your mouse. Moreover, it will suit all very busy people who do not even have time to have lunch.

Then, shopping online is a very comfortable thing, because you stay at home and shop on your own; no noise of the crowded shopping malls, no crazy children running around, no loud music in shops itself, after which you have a terrible headache and finally, there is no crazy queues with irritated people waiting to try on the clothes; moreover, when you shop online you do not have to try on any clothes .

Personally, I did not have any online shopping experience before comming to Singapore, but still I only bought air tickets online.

NOW, let us look at....

Mocca is a local website for online shopping, so what makes it successful?

1. Easy to navigate and search for information.
2. Eye catching.
3. Up to date.
4. Variety of goods available.

Now you can go and enjoy shopping online)