Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 5, E-Learning

For me the idea of distant learning still sounds crazy, honestly, I cannot imagine how our traditional schools will look like in 20 years time.

1. Maybe, there won't be any buildings at all.... nothing, and ONLY ONE thing that you will need is a pair of virtual glasses....

Scary, is not it?

2. Or can you imagine, than when a child is born a very powerful, suppa-duppa chip is placed into the brain, so that you do not need to go to school at all, just upload a program to your brain....

This sounds even worse for me.

Ok, coming down to reality, in my opinion it is great about what Internet can provide us today. Distance learning, or even we are here studying almost on-line..... A huge opportunity for a personal development.
Other question, is whether people will use this opportunities?

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