Monday, March 16, 2009

Journalism and the Internet

Internet gives a freedom for opinion expression. Every one nowadays can write his/her NEWS and let other people to read them.

Journalism is not the same thing as it used to be,technology has changed it a lot. Internet is seen as a main reason for this trend. The main reason is that "on the Internet there is essentially an unlimited amount of time and an unlimited amount of space" (Cerf 2).

In my opinion, it is unnecessary for me to explain what is online journalism or citizen journalism because you just can watch this video

Well, it is clear from this video that the number of Internet journalists is growing up.
In my opinion citizen journalism give people a lot of opportunities to express themselves. Of course, there is not enough place in all newspapers and magazines for all people who desire to be journalists to work and here comes the Internet and tells all those people: "Come I write write what ever you want here, let other people to here opinion!" Is not it a good option? If I had a dream of becoming a famous journalist I would have started from expressing my opinion on the Internet.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Internet and Politics

Year 2009 has changed a lot in the way people perceive the correlation between Internet and the politics; the main event is the American president elections and how well Obama and his PR managers used Internet for presidential campaign.

Nowadays, we all can feel how fast the technology is developing. Internet today is the most common medium used by people, some even relay on Internet sources more than on newspapers and magazines, in my opinion this people are doing the right thing. Why do you need to spend money and by newspapers when you can access exactly the same information online? (Finally, lets thing about nature and save the trees). Nowadays, the Internet sources even provide us videos of the issue you are interested in, it can be an interview or the description of the event and this means that you do not even have to READ just listen and absorb.

Obama is a clever man, but honestly I think that it was not his idea to use Internet as a main source to get people's attention and attract them. It was an idea of a highly qualified PR managers and how saw the huge opportunity of using the Internet as a main weapon in the elections; moreover, I thing that a lot of research was done before the starting of the campaign, in order to see whether American people are ready or not to accept political information online. You see, politics is not a joke, it is not something like online shopping. Moreover, it is a PRESIDENT election.

So what I am trying to say here is that, Internet politics is a very new phenomenon, which appeared after a very careful analysis of people's attitudes towards Internet and what kind of information they are seeking online. The first experience is extremely successful: Obama has 'conquered' the whole country; moreover, he gave people a hope for future.

In year 2008 there was an elections in my country and they are the extreme opposite to American one's. Honestly, it makes me laugh when I compare this two. Firstly, let's watch this video

Ok, not only Dmitry Medvedev had rejected to take part in TV debates, but also he rejected all mass medium to get to people.

1. There was no political campaigns created for president elections or I might just do not know about their existence.

You see the problem is that people we not familiar with the candidates intentions.

2. The elections were not covered enough in mass media.

3. Forget about the Internet for the Russian elections.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Marketing communication.

Ok let's look at the video first

Interesting, is not it? Children barely know who Jesus Christ is; whereas, when they saw the picture of Roland McDonald they started to giggle and with out hesitation said who was he. In the video it was mentioned, that McDonald's spends tones of money on direct media advertising, only in 2004 they spend 1.4 billion US dollars worldwide... Therefore, this statistics made me very interested in what kind of commercials McDonald's creates and I found this video:

Hilarious, is not it?
Ok, this commercial is not very rich in multimedia; however, is has the MOST IMPORTANT attention grabber: HUMOR. And of course, nice music and funny characters.
This video is very easy to process and understand.
If you read the comments of the video, you will see that people really loved it and enjoyed watching.