Monday, March 16, 2009

Journalism and the Internet

Internet gives a freedom for opinion expression. Every one nowadays can write his/her NEWS and let other people to read them.

Journalism is not the same thing as it used to be,technology has changed it a lot. Internet is seen as a main reason for this trend. The main reason is that "on the Internet there is essentially an unlimited amount of time and an unlimited amount of space" (Cerf 2).

In my opinion, it is unnecessary for me to explain what is online journalism or citizen journalism because you just can watch this video

Well, it is clear from this video that the number of Internet journalists is growing up.
In my opinion citizen journalism give people a lot of opportunities to express themselves. Of course, there is not enough place in all newspapers and magazines for all people who desire to be journalists to work and here comes the Internet and tells all those people: "Come I write write what ever you want here, let other people to here opinion!" Is not it a good option? If I had a dream of becoming a famous journalist I would have started from expressing my opinion on the Internet.

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